This course was launched within weeks of the first global COVID-19 lockdowns.
Leadership in Isolation, led by certified Integral Master Coaches, is designed to support leaders whose work has been disrupted by the coronavirus crisis first to cope with, then master remote working.
We offer the course for free* as our contribution to supporting businesses, families and individuals through the crisis. We expect participants to make their own contributions, either to a charity or through their actions.
What is your experience of the coronavirus crisis, so far?
- Do you feel frustrated, annoyed, anxious – or perhaps excited?
- Do you feel burdened by extra responsibilities at work or at home?
- How is your focus and energy?
- What is the quality of your relationship with others in your household?
- How connected do you feel those you currently cannot meet in person?
- How well are your business processes functioning?
- Is everyone stepping in to keep things running like a well-oiled machine?

Do you want to resist, cope or grow?
When faced with a disruption that lasts more than a few days, we can resist and hope for things to go back to normal. We can find ways to cope and help others to cope. And if we choose, we can develop new ways that will continue to be of value, even after the disruption has passed.
In order to adapt to the new conditions, a first step is to see the interconnection between actions, systems, relationships, and individual human experience. Then, we can identify a few specific high-impact interventions. These interventions may take us outside our comfort zones. If we pay attention to our patterns of mind in moments of discomfort and explore these patterns in a safe space, we will come to see the world in new ways.
This free* eight-week course is designed to harness the power of community and the wisdom of the crowd to help each of us cope and create conditions to grow our ability to lead ourselves and others.

This is not a typical leadership course
We, the designers and leaders of this course, each have our own experience of struggle, concern – and excitement. We have some ideas for interventions to help us cope and grow. Our understanding of remote working grows with each day that goes by and with each conversation we have.
We believe when we convene the participants of this training will collectively hold a more complete understanding of the truth. Our commitment is to make space for real conversations that make our collective wisdom explicit. We will use our time together on those topics that are most urgent.
Woven into our conversations will be nine capabilities for Leadership in Isolation:
Self Leadership

Being clear on your life goals (self, home, work & community)

Acting consistently in alignment with your life goals

Spending time in resourceful emotional states
Relationship Leadership

Feeling supported by and supporting members of your household

Building a culture of empathy and trust

Feeling confident navigating difficult conversations
Process Leadership

Leading and participating in effective meetings

Planning, prioritizing and ensuring accountability

Tracking progress, flagging risks and sharing information
This is for you if …
- You are responsible for managing or directing a team
- You and your team are new to working remotely
- You want to be productive and meet goals while working remotely
- You are willing to ask for what you need in these sessions
- You are willing to support others by sharing your insights and ideas

Course structure
Pre-course orientation: 27 April to 3 May (45 minutes)
- Self-paced individual work (45 minutes)
- Am I ready to commit to this course? (5 minutes)
- Process and technology (5 minutes)
- Looking at any situation through four lenses (15 minutes)
- How we develop new mindsets (10 minutes)
- Self-assessment on the nine capabilities for Leadership in Isolation described above (survey, 10 minutes)
Main course: 4 May to 21 June (2 hours 20 minutes per week)
- Live interactive video workshop (75 minutes per week)
- The purpose is to explore and get feedback on your leadership challenges and successes, and learn from the experiences of other leaders.
- We will focus on issues that feel most important for the group, referring to the nine capabilities, in plenary discussions and small-group interactions.
- The calls take place Mondays at 9 AM PDT, 12 PM EDT, 6 PM CEST.
- Self-paced individual work (65 minutes per week)
- Reflect on current state and next steps (survey, 10 minutes)
- Explore topics and resources (25 minutes)
- Engage in practices (30 minutes)
Completion: 22 to 28 June (1 hour 55 minutes)
- Live interactive video workshop (75 minutes)
- The purpose is to anchor our insights and anticipate what’s next.
- The call takes place Monday at 9 AM PDT, 12 PM EDT, 6 PM CEST.
- Self-paced individual work (40 minutes)
- Looking ahead and setting new goals (15 minutes)
- Sharing progress, insights and intentions (survey, 15 minutes)
- Review insights shared by group (10 minutes)
What you will receive

Eight 75-minute interactive tele-conferences

Recordings of all sessions available for streaming

Recordings of all sessions available for streaming

Anonymized report tracking progress and insights of the group

“Muscles” and practices for each capability

Resources: articles, books, videos, courses, websites
This leadership course is free but …
Places are limited.
Please only register if you will be able to set aside around 19 hours, including attending at least six of the eight live 75-minute teleconference calls, with video and audio enabled.
Please take a moment to consider others struggling in this crisis, perhaps those less fortunate than yourself. What difference can you make? Could you make a donation to a local, national or international charity? Or could you reach out to a friend or relative who is struggling? We will ask you to let us know what you did.
Course Content
Pre-course orientation: 27 April to 3 May (45 minutes)
Week 0: Apr27-May03 (45 min)
- Objectives for the pre-course orientation week
- What do we expect from participants?
- Is this course for me?
- Course design and technology
- Looking at any situation through four lenses
- How we develop new mindsets?
- Main course: 27 April to 14 June (2 hours 20 minutes per week)
Week 1: May04-May10 (2 hrs 20)
- First interactive workshop
- Being clear on your life goals (self, home, work & community)
- Spending time in resourceful emotional states
Week 2: May11-May17 (2 hrs 20)
- Second interactive workshop
- Acting consistently in alignment with your life goals
Week 3: May18-May24 (2 hrs 20)
- Third interactive workshop
- Feeling confident navigating difficult conversations
Week 4: May25-May31 (2 hrs 20)
- Fourth interactive workshop
- Planning, prioritizing and ensuring accountability
Week 5: Jun01-Jun07 (2 hrs 20)
- Fifth interactive workshop
- Tracking progress, flagging risks and sharing information
- Leading and participating in effective meetings
Week 6: Jun08-Jun14 (2 hrs 20)
- Sixth interactive workshop
- Feeling supported by and supporting members of your household
- Building a culture of empathy and trust
Week 7: Jun15-Jun21 (2 hrs 20)
- Seventh interactive workshop
- Completion: 22 to 28 June (1 hour 55 minutes)
Week 8: Jun22-Jun28 (1 hr 55)
- Eighth interactive workshop