The process is designed to be completed in 90 days, with five sittings of 30-90 minutes and 5 minutes of daily practice.
The first step is to find your Map to Your Future Self. You will complete this in part 2 of this course.
Next, you will make your first 30 day plan with 2-3 focus areas. The instructions for this are in part 3 of the course. You will refer to focus areas in part 4 of the course.
Once you have your 30 day plan, you will spend a minimum of 5 minutes a day for most days.
After 30 days and after 60 days, you will review your progress, note any changes and insights, and set new focus areas.
After 90 days, you have built a solid foundation for nurturing your relationship with your Body, your Self, and Everything Now. You will review your journey so far.
You can now continue walking your path with more consistent attention to your three relationships, without necessarily following a 30-day plan with focus areas.
You might want to revisit this process after a few months or even years, checking whether you want to update your map and choosing new focus areas.