Each month, you will pick 2-3 focus areas for specific development.
In the lesson Your 30-day Plan in part 3, you will be given step-by-step guidance on how to build sustainable habits by:
- Celebrating Small Wins and Reinforcing Positive Emotions
- Aligning Habits with the Person You Want to Become
- Identifying Keystone Habits for a Ripple Effect
- Starting with Small, Simple Actions
- Creating a Structured Habit Loop

In part 4 you will find a wealth of resources and tips for each of the 15 focus areas that are part of this course. Before using these resources, you should complete the lesson Your 30-day Plan. For a preview, look at the lesson May my Body get adequate rest, recovery and sleep.
1. May my Body enjoy the senses and movement
2. May my Body be strong, healthy, and in balance
3. May my Body receive all the nutrients it needs
4. May my Body get adequate rest, recovery and sleep
5. May my Body suffer neither neglect nor excess
6. May my Self see in new ways and express creativity
7. May my Self hear praise and unconditional support
8. May my Self know its values, purpose and intention
9. May my Self be curious and feel safe enough to grow
10. May my Self be fully appreciated, personality and all
11. May Everything Now sense my gratitude, prayer and surrender
12. May Everything Now be fully embraced as it is, ever changing
13. May Everything Now receive and bend to my aligned energy
14. May Everything Now evolve towards more benefit for all
15. May Everything Now be seen in its paradox and complexity